Music maestro please!
It's not just your mood a good tune uplifts
Published: 10/09/2009 at 12:00 AM
Newspaper section: Mylife
Music is like food. Some food types make us fat, thin, healthy - or not. Even the types of books that our brain receives, consumes rather, also have a great influence in shaping the way we think.
Hence, the type of music that enters our ears and brain has a direct effect on our emotions, thinking, brain activity and potential.
Music can enhance or decrease our intelligence. It can also create both good and bad emotions by making us calm or aggressive.
1. Fast learning
Classical music in the baroque period enhances learning.
Georgi Lozanov, a world-renowned clinical researcher in psychiatric studies from Bulgaria, discovered through his research that classical music belonging to the masters dating back to the baroque period such as Handel and Bach, if played in language classes, enables students to absorb the material at a faster rate. The type of music preferred should be 60 beats per minute so that it is in harmony with one's heart rate. It helps one to relax.
A couple of interesting books have been published on this topic. Superlearning, a compilation of Dr Lozanov's research, and Accelerated Learning by Colin Rose who took great pains to detail the importance of using classical music by Mozart in aiding learning.
2. Improving concentration and focus
Certain types of classical music help improve concentration.
Soft and slow classical music helps in the following:
Relaxation of the body, slows down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, enhances alertness of the mind, rids the mind of exterior noises, prolongs one's attention span and develops one's ability to recall past events.
The title of most classical compositions will not be recognised by the younger generation. The titles are long and in foreign languages. The name of the composer and the score itself is also difficult to remember.
The important aspects of classical music is its ability to improve concentration and the slow beat - this has nothing to do with the "name" or "title" of the composition. All you need to know is that you can listen to any song composed by Bach, Vivaldi, Handel or anyone belonging to the baroque period. And it could be any song as long as it contains the following words - largo (slow), larghetto (almost slow) and adagio (slightly faster than larghetto).
3. Enhancing creativity and inspiration
Good music helps to improve one's creativity. Music goes through a delicate process in both sides of the brain.
Listening to music leads to development of both left and right sides of the brain. Music coordinates the work process of the right side (imagination) and the left side (analytical capability) which are used in solving problems in a creative manner.
Albert Einstein was described by his teacher as a child who had no future. Einstein's mother vehemently disagreed.
His parents bought the young genius a violin. He played the instrument until he achieved a level of proficiency. This was the key that opened up the young Einstein and shaped him into one of the most intelligent physicists in history.
Einstein himself confessed that his intelligence had something to do with playing the violin. His favourites were Mozart and Bach.
The manner in which Einstein tackled scientific problems was likened to improvisation on his violin.
4. Increasing productivity
The music of Mozart and Bach increases productivity by 48%.
Researcher Frances Rauscher experimented on two test groups by asking them to perform paper-folding tasks. One group did it in quiet conditions. The other group performed the tasks while listening to Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major by Mozart. After 10 minutes, the group listening to Mozart showed a higher production rate of 48%.
the type of music that enters our ears and brain has a direct effect on our emotions, thinking, brain activity and potential. Music can enhance or decrease our intelligence. It can also create both good and bad emotions by making us calm or aggressive. Especially classical music, it effect to your ability an brain so much
I think music is like food that we eat. It effect to our moods and many things. Sometimes it can guide us to do bad or good things. We should listen to good music like classic music because it makes us to be fast learning…etc.
Miss Kanokporn Owchutimanant ID:1500100506 No:5 Section:6911 (Final)
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