High mountains are particularly sensitive areas to climate and environmental changes, and how glaciers evolve there in response to climate change is one of the most effective indicators of current global warming, in this case evidenced in Iberian mountain ranges - Juan José González Trueba, lead researcher and professor from the University of Cantabria.

Between 1750 and the beginning of the 19th century small glaciers receded in the Pyrenees but soon recovered thanks to a new period of low temperatures. However, since then, temperatures have risen between 0.7ºC y 0.9ºC in Spain’s northern mountains, showing the effects of global warming.
González Trueba, J.J; Martín Moreno, R.; Martínez de Pison, E.; Serrano, E. “’Little Ice Age' glaciation and current glaciers in the Iberian Peninsula”. The Holocene 18(4): 551-568 June 2008.
This passage the writer tell that Pyrenees' glaciers may disappear in less than 50 years . Due to higher temperatures in every year , environmental and climate to changes. Cause of the Pyrenees' glaciers melt and if the temperature increased continuously. In a less than 50 years the Pyrenees' glaciers may disappear.
I think cause of that the temperature increase because actions of all the world's population. Because of rapid industrial growth. Plants worldwide emissions of carbon dioxide in the air a lot and cause the global warming. For this reason cause global climate and environment to change. Today in many countries faced with natural disasters that the increasingly fierce.I think we should to change the behavior and treatment return to our world for me , you ,generations and the world of us.
My name is Sutida Amonchaiyapitak Section:6911 No.30